Blonay June 13 – June 23 2006
1st workshop for contemporary quartet music
The first workshop for contemporary quartet music was an exciting and inspiring event for teachers and students alike. During a 10-day period musicians from many countries seized the opportunity to work hard whilst enjoying the marvellous atmosphere and scenic beauty of Blonay. Possibilities of raising questions with Helmut Lachenmann and the Arditti Quartet provided the basis for gaining better understanding and interpretation of the works studied. The result were evident at the final concert were all participating quartets demonstrated the progress they had archived.
Arditti Quartet – quartet-in-residence
Helmut Lachenmann – composer-in-residence
- participating quartets:
Athena Quartet [Germany]
- [Saskia Viersen, Margherita Biederbick, Hannah Klein, Kathrin Bogenberger]
Benaim Quartet [France]
- [Yair Benaim, Alexandra Griffin, Myriam Guillaume, Cedric Conchon]
Jack Quartet [U.S.A]
- [Christopher Otto, Ari Streisfeld, John Pickford Richards, Kevin McFarland]
Parker Quartet [U.S.A]
- [Daniel Chong, Karen Kim, Jessica Bodner, Kee-Hyun Kim]
Romantic Quartet [Russia]
- [Vladyslav Narodytski, Mikhail Bolkhovitim, Andrey Usov, Siarhei Astashonak]